Friday, October 5, 2012

Interview With Malika Ubaka

When did you first start singing? Haha my mom says she has a tape of me singing Ella Fitz Gerald @ 2. I can recall loving to sing and do in home concerts for my parents at about 6. 

What did your family do to encourage you? My family is an entertaining family. We are always singing and rejoicing and having a good time. We make everything into a song. We just had a family gathering at my grandmas house the other day and the latest family song is about Brown Eggs. My mom is a professional African Dancer, Actress and Singer. My dad was the lead singer in a band for years that traveled and toured the country. My parents are still doing their thing as of today. My family is a great support for me.

Who else in your family sings? I guess that I just answered. Pretty much my whole family. My Dad’s Brother(uncle) is his main man they have so many brilliant songs together and also my aunty Shukura who recently passed. God Rest her soul.

Who are your musical inspirations? My musical inspirations are my parents and uncle and auntie. 

What kind of music do you listen to today?
I listen to Hip Hop off top. I explore all types of music. I really have been getting into Classical and the musical artists of the UK. I like good music whatever it may be. 

What embarrassing songs might I find on your MP3 or Ipod player? Honestly some of my songs are embarrassing to me. Some of my older jams are like for realz?? There is one that  I heard the other that was so foul I wanted to go and wash mouth out all over again. I was saying to someone the other day that I still listen to some real ignorant songs that I loved a while ago and I still do to this day. I feel guilty but I'm  a work in progress!

Where would you most like to perform? I would love to perform at The Shoreline Amphitheater in my hometown. They always have the Summer Jam there its sunny outdoor fun. I always wanted to rock that spot one time!

Who would you most like to open for?
This is not an easy question. Scratching my head…. I would have to say it would have been Micheal Jackson but currently still scratching maybe Beyonce. In real life I don’t care who I open for I am more interested in how many people in the crowd that I can get out they seats with their hands in the air singing my songs with me.

If you weren't singing, what would you be doing?
I have a passion for theater and performing arts in general. I am exploring all of those avenues now. Doing one thing nowadays don’t really cut it anymore. I am exploring film making now I just did a documentary on Soca Music while living in Trinidad Summer 2011. I also am working on a theatrical stage play. Keeping it moving!

Do you play any instruments?
I don’t but I am thinking of taking guitar lessons now. I always wanted to rock out on stage. Maybe the drums too. Hmm.

If you could dabble in another genre of music, what would it be? Rock for sure alternative. 

What genre of music can't you stand to listen to?
I can’t stand that crazy rock music where it’s just screaming and yelling. 

What hidden talents do you have? I don’t if there are any hidden because I try and explore everything I see as a potential talent. Currently trying to live my life to thy fullest. 

Who are your inspirations? (as in other artists)
  I love Anita Baker, Mary J Blige Stevie Wonder and as for the younger generation Brandy that’s my girl.

Please also mention that currently I am working a Positive Push CD part 2. This is to get good music that promotes positivity. I am also spear heading the Oakland BaY Area movement called Hip Hop 2 Vote. It’s a Nation wide Effort to inform and educate about voting and make sure people get out to the polls and vote. Go to the site  Follow malika on Twitter @queenmalikaent.

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